To store all the boarding materials Hardboard has gathered over the years, we have 2 places on campus where we store our gear: the acco and the kelder.
All of our members can gain access to the keys to the facilities and the transportation. Want to know more about how to do this, keep reading!
Located behind the UTrack, the Acco is our largest storage space.
Kite material
Windsurf material
Personal surf storage
Quarter pipe
Barrie (trailer)
Tucked away behind and under the Matenweg houses, is the Kelder. The Kelder slowly gets more comfortable to be in as the ceiling becomes taller and taller. This concrete bunker houses the following things:
Wave surf material
Wakeboard material
Transport material
Kick-in material
Damaged material and repair equipment
I want access to the acco/kelder keys!
To get access to the keys to the acco, kelder and actiekelder, you have to do acco instruction.
The board organizes this periodically and takes no more than a lunch break. Someone from the board will show you around, tells you where you can find everything and how we keep the storage spaces organized.
After this, your name will be added to the access list and you can request key access through SESAM.
key access
Did you follow your acco instruction? Learn more about how to request key access here!