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Every year, a group of enthusiastic boarders take on the challenge of leading this bunch of crazy surfers. Over the years roles within the board have shifted, and new responsibilities arose, but every board has at least a chair, a secretary and a treasurer.

Spot any mistakes or have any pictures we could add to this list? Feel free to email the board!

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


38th Board - sunrise shredders

Joris Pape (Chair

Yan Senko (Secretary

Gina van der Meijden (Treasurer

Julie Muchembled 

Leo Trilsbeek 

Sam Fisher 

37th Board - HIGH tide

Kasper van der Burg (Chair) - Wave, Actiev

Willem Paternotte (Secretary) - Snow, WWW

Samuel Kalkman (Treasurer) - Wake, HBMedia

Madelon Gorter - Wind, Creacie, Tukcie, Material

Arend Heijn - Skate, Transport, Kick-In Barco

Lena Weber - Kite, External Affairs, Subsidy, Gala





36th Board - Surf o'clock

Robert Bast (Chair) - Windsurf, Kick-In

Levina Noom (Secretary) -  Transport, Actiev

Amber Nijland (Treasurer) -  BarCo

Louisa - External Affairs, Kite, Snow, Subsidy

Niels ter Heerdt (Wave & Wake) - Wave, Wake, Material

Marije Kok (Skate & Create) - TukCie, CreaCie, WWW, HBMedia, Skate

35th Board - riptide rulers

Ocid Oosting (Chair)

Tycho van Leersum (Secretary)

Luuk Spijker (Treasurer)

Emma Soeten (Board Princess)

Victor Ploeger (Skate & Create)

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34th Board -
all aboard

Tessa Schrover (Chair) -  Subsidy, Kick-In
Charlotte de Graaf (Secretary) - External Affairs, HBmedia
Danny van der Goot (Treasurer) - Kite, BarCo
Casper van Wijland - Wind, Snow, Transport, Galacie
Hans Nielen - Wake, Actiev, WWW
Mathieu Broeders - Wave, Tukcie, Creacie, Material

33th Board - 

Kevin Lampe (Chair) - Actiev, External Affairs, GalaCie
Tim van der Kooi (Secretary) - Wind, WWW

Martijn Brattinga (Treasurer) - Wave, HBMedia
Sam van Limburg Stirum - Kite, CreaCie, Subsidy
Lars Oberhofer - Wake, Tukcie, Snow
Koen Wilms - Transport, Kick-In, Subsidy

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Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


32nd Board - brak water

Marieke van de Weg (Chair) -  Actiev, Creacie
Olav Gruppen (Secretary) - Wake
Saskia Bleyenberg (Treasurer & Board Princess) - Kite, Snow, Barco
Jelle Meijer - External Affairs, Wave
Tim Slangen    - Wind, Transport, Subsidy

31st board - 

Marjet Claessens (Chair) -  Subsidy, Surf-in
Lieneke Rem (Secretary) - Wave, Transport, Lustrum, Snowcie
Loes Hullegien (Treasurer) - WWW, Creacie
Bas Voogd - Activities, Kite, HBmedia
Judith Ditscherlein - External Affairs, Wind, Wake, Barco, Tukcie

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In




30th Board - gevaarlijk

Alex van der Meer (Chair) - External Affairs, Subsidy, Wake, Surf-in, Barco 
Margot Meijerink    (Secretary) - Golf, Creacie
Elleke van Doorn (Treasurer) - Tukgijp
Wybe Jongema - Activities, HBmedia, Lustrum, Snowcie
Frank Ruis - Wind, Kite, WWW, Transport

29th Board - windstoten

Lambert Forkink (Chair) - Wave, Subsidy, Creacie
Luisa Sanchez Diez (Secretary) - Wake, External Affairs
Irene Felius (Treasurer) - Galacie
Jelle van de Kerk - Activities, Kite, Barco
Bas de Leeuw - Transport, WWW, Klusco, Snowcie
Marvin Straathof - Wind, Tukgijp, HBMedia, Kick-In

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Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


28th Board - bevlogen

Mart Meijerink - (Chair) - Kite, Introduction, Subsidy, Wake
Klaartje Versluis (Secretary) - Wind, Wave, Snow
Eelco Markhorst (Treasurer) - Tukcie, Creacie
Sem de Maag - Activities, Transport, HBMedia, External Affairs, Klusco

27th Board - nattegeit

Laurent Knook (Chair) - HBMedia, Introduction, Subsidy
Floriaan Post (Secretary) - Kite, Website, External Affairs
Jason Geitekop (Treasurer) - Tukcie, Wave
Jennifer van Zeil - Activities, Wake, Barco
Casper Beeris - Wind, Promo, Creacie, Transport, Klusco

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


26th Board - Zuid west 6

Cynthia Bergsma (Chair) - Wave, Subsidy
Wout Oude Elferink (Secretary) - Wind (instruction), Promo
Thijs Lughtenberg (Treasurer) - Wake
Jay Smit - Wind (material), transport
Yoshi Koen - Kite, Avtivities
Judith Boonstra (until april 2013) - Communication, Promo

25th Board - Opwindend

Dirk-Jan van de Sanden (Chair) - Subsidy
Ryanne Swanenburg (Secretary) - External Affairs, Lustrum
Vito Böke (Treasurer) - Transport (administrative)
Elsa Adema - Wind, Barco
Lennart van de Velde - Kite, Wake
Feline Spijkerboer - Acitivities, Wave, Competition
Rens ten Klooster (Chillcommissaris) - Promo, Transport (maintenance), Klusco

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Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


24th Board - hoge bomen

Frank van Maanen (Chair) - Subsidy
Marlies Moltmaker (Secretary) - Instruction
Eilien Knook (Treasurer) - Transport
Edwin Bosscha - Wind, Wave
Jim Meulenbroek - Kite, Wake
Ineke van Opheusden - Activities, Promo

23rd Board - Kantjeboard

Linda Schmetjen (Chair)
Brian Diephuis (Secretary)
Hanno Spijker (Treasurer) - Transport
Sjouke Ritsema - Wind
Aard Duivenvoorden - Kite
Brit Moritz - Wake, Promo
Esther Hoogendijk - Activities

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


22nd Board - sterk bewind

Ronald Damhuis (Chair) - Subsidy, External Affairs
Feite Klijnstra (Secretary) - Transport, Kite (material)
IJssebrand Ziel (Treasurer) - Facilities
Bart Claessen - Activities, Kite (instruction), Introduction, Promo
Chris Wever - Wind, Introduction, Promo

21st Board - Plankgas

Freek Graafland - (Chair)
Fenna Janssen (Secretary) - Promo

Kasper van der Leeden (Treasurer) - Transport
Jennifer Bijkerk - Material (kelder, purchasing), External Affairs
Morgan Geeraets - Material (damage, repairs, instruction rent)
Sara Beekman - Activities

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


20th Board -Wereld domineren kun je leren

Tom Jansen (Chair)
Laura Schäffer (Secretary)
Tjeerd Hoogendijk (Treasurer)
Marike Kielman  - Activities
Frank Glazenburg - Activities
Tycho Bom - Transport, Promo
Niels Hoogendoorn - Material, External Affairs

19th Board - wel varend

Margriet van Gendt (Chair)

Maurits Brandt (Secretary)

Pieter Stammeijer (Treasurer)

Marcel Huizing - Activities

Anne Leferink - Materials

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Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


18th Board - Vol in plane

Timo Spijkerboer (Chair)

Peter Pestoor (Secretary)

Robin Meijboom (Treasurer)

Bram Rongen - Transport

Niels Moshagen - Activities

Coen Wit - Materials

17th Board - One step forward

Remco van den Elzen (Chair)

Yvo Tiebout (Secretary)

Marlous Alberts (Treasurer)

Maarten Banis -  Transport

Taco Potze - Activities

Arjen Dijk - Materials

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


16th Board

Yvo Tiebout (Chair)

Gerard Brok (Secretary)

Marlous Alberts (Chair)

Reinier Augustijn - Transport I

Matthijs van Til - Transport II

Hiddo During - Activities

15th Board - Frisse wind

Reinier Augustijn (Chair)

Hiddo During (Secretary)

Barry Douma (Treasurer)

Joost Hogendoorn - Transport

Matthijs van Til - Activities

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


14th Board

Hendrik Jan van der Akker (Chair)

Reinier Heerink (Secretary)

Barry Douma (Treasurer)

Edgar Olyerhoek - Transport

Kees Karelse - Activities

13th Board

Rutger van Kampen (Chair)

Reinier Heerink (Vice-chair)

Ruben van der Made (Secretary)

Hans de Jong (Treasurer)

Edgar Oylerhoek - Transport

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


12th Board

Jelger Vos (Chair)

Rutger van Kampen (Vice-chair)

Erwin de Jong (Secretary)

Rob Panis (Treasurer)

11th Board

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


10th Board 

Erwan Smits (Chair)
Bene Perdok (Vice-chair)

Geert Houtenbos (Secretary)

Margrethe (Greetje) Bergkamp (Treasurer)

Thijs (Mattheus) Schoenaker - Activities

9th Board

Kasper Jansen (Chair)

Onno Baack (Secretary)

Ronald Willems (Treasurer)

Kim Klein Koerkamp - Activities

Marcel Hoftijzer

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


8th Board 

Paul de Bruye (Chair)

Marcel Hoftijzer (Vice-chair)

Wouter van Tol (Secretary)

Ronald Willems (Treasurer)

Mike Sanderman

7th Board

Arjan de Velde (Chair)

Edwin Ringersma (Vice-chair)

Paul de Bruyne (Secretary)

Mike Sanderman (Treasurer)

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Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


6th Board

Daan Brinkhuis (Chair)

Edwin Ringersma (Vice-chair)

Sander Rekveld (Secretary)

Arjan de Velde (Treasurer)

5th Board

Daan Brinkhuis (Chair)

Sander Rekveld (Vice-chair)

Robert de Boer (Secretary)

Edwin Ringersma (Treasurer)

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


4th Board

Sander Rekveld (Chair)

Herman van Niekerken (Vice-chair)

Robert de Boer (Secretary)

Egbert-Jan Wielink (Treasurer)

3rd Board

Herman van Niekerken (Chair)

Hank Rademaker (Vice-chair)

Frank Fiselier (Secretary)

Egbert-Jan Wielink (Treasurer)

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


2nd Board

Hans Jansen (Chair)

Hank Rademaker (Vice-chair)

Gaele Strootman (Secretary)

Robert Kraayenzank (Penningmeester)

1st board -
the first

Gaele Strootman (Chair)

Hank Rademaker (Vice-chair)

Jan te Paske (Secretary)

Robert Kraayenzank (Treasurer)

Firefly wave surfing goats on a surf board catching a wave at sunset - sunrise colors. In


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